We save calls electronically to insure the quality of our service because we believe you should be getting a high quality effort. But that's nothing new because most collection agencies have the same processes in place. In fact, most agencies use scripting to insure call consistency, but let's look at this realistically; when do customers follow a script? As a business person you have to adapt to various situation to accomplish daily goals and that's the kind of training employees of Xspann Recovery Services receive. Employees are trained on all State and Federal Laws, continuously trained on situation techniques to overcome consumer resistance and encouraged to provide insights into improving our communications with consumers so that we can better serve you company. Scripting is simply programming for robots, when you sign up with us you can be assured of getting active thinkers and listeners to handle your accounts not robots.
Your company will have a team of experts dedicated to increasing you bottom line for just pennies on the dollar. Just imagine what we can do for your company:

Contact us today at 803-661-0235 for a FREE consultation.